Whoever told you that is working on some guesswork and not much knowledge. Having owned many black vehicles and living in AZ, I can assure you that nano-ceramic tint vs standard tint is night and day. Regular tint provides no UV resistance/protection and is for privacy while nano-ceramic tint is used to block over 90% of UV and thus provides heat resistance. This is easy to test, buy a sample of each and place them over two identical bulbs and witness the magic that is science. Or you can do the fun thing and burn your hand or head on glass after vehicle sat in sun on 120+ day, then swap over and save yourself some burn cream and heaps of pain.I've heard mixed reviews about standard tint vs. ceramic. The latest person I spoke to said ceramic is a waste of money. Any input?
Absolutely correct.Whoever told you that is working on some guesswork and not much knowledge. Having owned many black vehicles and living in AZ, I can assure you that nano-ceramic tint vs standard tint is night and day. Regular tint provides no UV resistance/protection and is for privacy while nano-ceramic tint is used to block over 90% of UV and thus provides heat resistance. This is easy to test, buy a sample of each and place them over two identical bulbs and witness the magic that is science. Or you can do the fun thing and burn your hand or head on glass after vehicle sat in sun on 120+ day, then swap over and save yourself some burn cream and heaps of pain.
Anywhere near Phelan?Desert and Steadi are 100% spot on.
I live in the High Desert of Southern California. We had days last summer that hit 119°.
My wife and I went so far as to install clear nano-ceramic film on the windshields to reduce UV light and heat.
It is worth every dollar spent.
Yup - Apple ValleyAnywhere near Phelan?
That's weird I have ceramic on my daily driver and key works fine. hmmCeramic tint may affect the RFH hub, I have a friend with a 24 Grand Cherokee that had Ceramic installed and key fob will not work. Had it removed and it works fine now. I have not researched this but something to keep in mind.
Anyone else have this issue ?
There is a good chance that your Kia optima does not have the same Key fob and RFH hub as the 24 or newer Stellantis vehicle .. lol I would hope ..That's weird I have ceramic on my daily driver and key works fine. hmm