Thoughts on RHO's Front End?


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Aug 6, 2024
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2022 Toyota Tundra TRD Pro
Is anyone bothered by the RHO's new face lift? I'm talking about the RAM letters being at the top of the grille with a lot of space under it. The TRX's RAM letters were a tad different. Pictures below for reference.


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Might be the difference in lighting between those two photos, but it looks like “ring” (some call it a mustache) under the Ram’s nose is smaller & possibly less prominent on the 2025. Personally, I like the newer look for that reason alone. The size & location of the “Ram” letters is less important to me.

Just my $.02
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I never noticed until this thread. And now I think I like the RHO grill more. Not that the TRX bothers me.
RAM on the RHO is aligned with the horizontal lines of the headlights. The smaller "lip" on the bottom of the grille is also more refined. Combined with the slimmer headlights, I think these changes look better than the TRX. More cohesive. (Not to say TRX looks bad)
I like the RHO front end appearance a lot more. Gives it a more opened up/upright look on the grill. I’m glad it’s more than just subtle changes. That’s got a few other differences that helps it pop more as well.
For me, the RHO grill is improved upon from TRX, not that TRX grill is bad looking, I just think the new grill looks cleaner, still aggressive.
RHO looks better. Just you.
I think the TRX grill looks "crowded" in a way. I think the letters being higher on the RHO give a "larger" perception at first glance, which I like.
I think it was more "purpose" than looks. The RHO now has that unobstructed front Adaptive Cruise Control & Hands-Free Driving Assist (ADA) unit down low and better exposed (at the center of the bottom grill). Had to create a larger lower grill opening to fit it there between the two ultrasonic distancing sensors. That central lower rectangular sensor is new for the 25' models and I could not find it on any of the 24" or earlier (at least out and unobstructed). The upper grill's "mustache" now sits lower, but the opening under still looks to be the same since they took out that weird "hump" across the top of the center of the main bumper (on the TRX). Still has a nice flat area though to mount a light under the mustache (so it looks). The center of the front/forward skid plate also now looks to be easily removable (maintenance ?). Wondering if this may give us a place for a more "built-in" winch (with a custom plate of course). Overall, the top grill looks to just be larger due to the new layout. Overall front-end dimensions are probably still spot-on with the TRX, just some front end tweaks due to the new engine's high-flow cooling system and other tech.
Alright, so it's just me then lol. I will say, the more I look at it, the more it's growing on me. Just wanted to share and get some other people's thoughts on it! I think I will definitely prefer it over the TRX front-end when there's more content on YouTube, etc.
Not a fan of the mustache look and much prefer the subtle differences in the 25
Is anyone bothered by the RHO's new face lift? I'm talking about the RAM letters being at the top of the grille with a lot of space under it. The TRX's RAM letters were a tad different. Pictures below for reference.

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View attachment 418
Love the new front. Love it. Didn't care for the "mustache" look.
Thanks for the laugh holy moly that least the nice offroad capabilities offsets a little..
I'll go to the ends of the earth for a good laugh. Including destroying my profile with all the organizations that collect my internet search data. Because it now includes:
"Handlebar mustache"
"Manly mustache"
"Girly thin mustache"

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